Global Publications

Below is a compilation of the articles that our organization has written regarding several world crises in an effort to present accurate information and the current status of these issues on a national, continental, and global scale.

Dev Dwivedi

The COVID-19 Pandemic & Past Pandemics

Since its identification, the growing worldwide transmission of the coronavirus has caused significant detriment to the lives of many infecting over 12 million people in all of the countries. In this article, the current situation of the coronavirus is described along with an analysis on the similarities of this pandemic compared to past pandemics.

Ashwin Bhaskar

Progression of the Medical Field & Our Role

Since the discovery of the smallpox inoculation by Edward Jenner in 1799, the medical field has advanced significantly and continues to develop at an exponential rate in the 21st century. Even with the current predicament of the coronavirus and set-backs that may be faced, the medical field will continue to grow in an effort to achieve affordable, accessible, and quality health care for everyone throughout the world. As such, this article evaluates the direction of the progress in the medical field and concludes with the role of the youth in assisting in the progress of this career. 

Dev Dwivedi

A Possible COVID-19 Vaccine

With the increasing transmission of the coronavirus throughout the world, this public health issue has become a matter of urgency. As research and studies are being conducted to discover an efficient treatment option or vaccine to inoculate the uninfected population, the world has been practicing social distancing and following public health guidelines. However, the novel discovery of a potential vaccine by Russia sheds light on a possible end to this pandemic, bringing the world one step closer to restoring itself.

Karanveer Singh

Climate Clock

We, humans, have put ourselves in a problematic situation. The vicious circle of climate change threatens our existence. Many other species have gone extinct, while we are tending to catastrophic climate changes. Prolonged heating of the Earth’s surface due to greenhouse gases is called global warming. Global warming – caused by the burning of fossil fuels (that produces greenhouse gases) – results in floods, droughts, high temperatures, and a very unstable climate. Carbon dioxide – the most dangerous and prevalent greenhouse gas – are at the highest levels ever recorded. With the continuing output of such gases and increased trapping of heat, the climate is further damaged. This problem needs primary emphasis.


AAyush Bhatt

COVID-19 and Where We Are Now

Since the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic on March 11, 2020, much has changed and evolved pertaining to the virus. As the public health crisis progressed, countries continued to deploy all of their efforts to ensure the safety of their people and minimize the spread of this virus. This article will recount the progress that we, as a world, have gone through to observe and analyze the progress of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Karanveer Singh

A Stealthy Threat

Concerned about our environment? Worried about different kinds of pollutions? This article covers one that no one truly considers to be an issue. This stealthy threat is one that needs to be addressed just as much as the many other threats our world faces. This article will reveal this “stealthy threat”. its implications on our environment, and possible solutions to address these issues as we hope to work towards protecting our world.

Karanveer Singh


Active in several areas of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Global Publications department at Global Youth Group has always shared accurate and relevant information regarding the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on us today, globally. This article, however, is different from our other articles; it will highlight the interests of math, physics, and non-Euclidean geometry as it explains the concepts of “geodesics”.

Karanveer Singh


Active in several areas of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Global Publications department at Global Youth Group has always shared accurate and relevant information regarding the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on us today, globally. This article, however, is different from our other articles; it will highlight the interests of math and physics as it explains constants that renown physicists have discovered and utilized throughout the years.