Global Content
AAyush Bhatt:
The Coronavirus:
Myth Busters
Click on the button below to learn about 5 mythbusters related to the coronavirus. Use this to keep yourself informed about accurate facts so that you are more aware of these facts during this pandemic. The image on the right is a preview of what you will see below:
Saanvi Bhuteja:
Venezuela Economic Crisis
Click on the button below to learn more about the recent Venezuelan economic crisis. This infographic details many of the statistics pertaining to detrimental impact this crisis has on Venezuela’s financial stability, especially considering the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Saanvi Bhuteja:
Unprecedented Hunger Crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Click on the button below to learn more about the unprecedented crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This infographic details many of the statistics pertaining to detrimental impact this crisis has on DRC, especially considering the current COVID-19 pandemic, and also describes what is being done to help.